Wait Event | Description |
buffer busy waits | The session wants to access a data block that is either 1) currently not in memory, but another process has already issued an I/O request to read the block into memory, or 2) in memory but in an incompatible mode (current versus consistent, for example). For example another session is using that block via an insert, update or delete. |
control file parallel write | The session has issued multiple I/O requests in parallel to write blocks to all control files, and is waiting for all of the writes to complete. |
control file sequential read | The session is waiting for blocks to be read from a control file. |
db file parallel read | The session has issued multiple I/O requests in parallel to read blocks from data files into memory and is waiting for all requests to complete. This may occur during recovery or during regular activity when a session batches many single block I/O requests together and issues them in parallel. |
db file parallel write | The process, typically DBWR, has issued multiple I/O requests in parallel to write dirty blocks from the buffer cache to disk and is waiting for all requests to complete. |
db file scattered read | The session has issued an I/O request to read a series of contiguous blocks from a data file into the buffer cache and is waiting for the operation to complete. This typically happens during a full table scan or fast full index scan. Oracle reads up to DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT consecutive blocks at a time and scatters them into buffers in the buffer cache |
db file sequential read | The session has issued an I/O request to read one block from a data file into the buffer cache and is waiting for the operation to complete. This typically happens during an index lookup or a fetch from a table by ROWID when the required data block is not already in memory. This call differs from "db file scattered read" in that a sequential read reads data into contiguous memory (whilst a scattered read reads multiple blocks and scatters them into different buffers in the SGA). |
direct path read, direct path write | The session has issued asynchronous I/O requests that bypass the buffer cache and is waiting for them to complete. These wait events often involve temporary segments, sorting activity, parallel query or hash joins. |
enqueue | The session is waiting on an enqueue (a lock you can see in v$lock). This commonly occurs when one user is trying to update a row in a table that is currently being updated by another user. |
free buffer waits | The session needs a free buffer so it can bring a data block into the buffer cache and is waiting for a buffer that is not dirty to become available. This can occur if DBWR is not writing dirty buffers to disk fast enough. |
latch free | The session is waiting for a latch held by another session. (This event does not apply to processes that are spinning while waiting for a latch; when a process is spinning, it is not waiting.) |
library cache load lock | The session is waiting for the opportunity to load an object or a piece of an object into the library cache. (Only one process can load an object or a piece of an object at a time.) |
library cache pin | The session wants to pin an object in memory in the library cache for examination, ensuring no other processes can update the object at the same time. This happens when you are compiling or parsing a PL/SQL object or a view. |
log buffer space | The session is waiting for space in the log buffer. (Space becomes available only after LGWR has written the current contents of the log buffer to disk.) This typically happens when applications generate redo faster than LGWR can write it to disk. |
log file parallel write | The session is waiting for blocks to be written to all online redo log members in one group. LGWR is typically the only process to see this wait event. It will wait until all blocks have been written to all members. |
log file sequential read | The session is waiting for blocks to be read from the online redo log into memory. This primarily occurs at instance startup and when the ARCH process archives filled online redo logs. |
log file switch completion | The session is waiting for a log file switch to complete, typically so more redo can be generated. |
log file sync | The session is waiting for LGWR to finish flushing the log buffer to disk. This occurs when a user commits a transaction. (A transaction is not considered committed until all of the redo to recover the transaction has been successfully written to disk). Probably you are commiting too often |
undo segment extension | The session is waiting for an undo segment to be extended or shrunk. |
write complete waits | The session is waiting for a requested buffer to be written to disk; the buffer cannot be used while it is being written. |
Having 15 year’s Plus of extensive experience in the IT industry involving Production Database Administration ,Azure Cloud Migration, Peoplesoft And Mysql and SQL Server Administration.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Common Wait Event Names and What They Mean
Important Initialization parameters that affect the CBO
Important Initialization parameters that affect the CBO
Apart from generating statistics, the setup of the below mentioned parameters play a very crucial role in dictating how your system will work. Setting these will depend a lot on what kind of environment you want to create, Online, Batch processing, Data warehousing or a combination of more than one.
This will decide the mode in which the optimizer engine should run in. Valid values are RULE, CHOOSE, ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS (_n).
Optionally, the OPTIMIZER_MODE can be set to CHOOSE. This is kind of an intermediate option between RBO and CBO. In fact, it tries to run the query in either CBO or RBO depending on the availability or unavailability of statistics. Therefore, if the tables present in the query have statistics generated on them, CBO (ALL_ROWS only) is preferred or RBO is taken up.
e.g.: optimizer_mode = first_rowsFor an OLTP system, FIRST_ROWS would be the ideal option for fast response time. ALL_ROWS is meant for batch-oriented applications. Note, a plan that produces the first n rows with the fastest response time might not be an optimal plan if requirement is to obtain the entire result, so decide as per the need of the application
This tells optimizer to favor nested loops and IN-list iterators over sort-merge and hash joins. The default value is 100 and makes nested loops and IN-list operator look less expensive and more appealing to Optimizer. The value basically indicates the percentage of index blocks that the optimizer should assume are present in cache. I recommend set this parameter to 85.
This parameter determines the number of database blocks read in one input/output operation during a full table scan. The value set is used in computing the cost of full table scans. OLTP systems will not benefit by setting a high value for this parameter as the computed cost for full table scan execution plans would reduced. The maximum size is Operating system dependent.
e.g.: db_file_multiblock_read_count = 1 (may be set to a higher value)
This parameter defines the maximum memory space allocated per user process that requires sorting of data and for insert and updates to bitmap indexes. Optimizer uses the set value for determining the cost of sorting in a query. This defaults to 64K. Normally a size of 64K to 1M is appropriate for OLTP systems.
Sort-merge joins are influenced by this parameter value. The bigger the size the more appealing will be sort-merge joins over nested-loop and hash joins. The lower the size the more sorting will take place in temporary segments. So assign a value that has been evaluated for your setup.
Oracle recommends the use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
This specifies the number of database blocks to be read each time a sort performs a read from a temporary segment. The default value is 2. General recommendation is to keep the default value. However, if you intend to hike up the SORT_AREA_SIZE considerably, you may evaluate the improvement by changing this parameter.
e.g.: sort_multiblock_read_count = 2
Hash joins are available only in CBO. In hash joins, a hash table is created on the join key of the smallest sized table. It then joins the other tables to find the match. Hash joins may prove to be faster than other type of joins in some conditions, especially when the index is missing or search criteria is not very selective. Hash joins require a large amount of memory as the hash tables are retained; this may sometimes result in memory swapping.
Nested-loop joins return the first row faster than sort-merge and hash joins and are preferred for OLTP, but other types of joins cannot be ignored for running other aspects of the applications.
e.g.: hash_join_enabled = true
This specifies the maximum amount of memory in bytes to be used for a hash join per process. It is defaulted to 2 times SORT_AREA_SIZE.
Oracle recommends the use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
e.g.: hash_area_size = 2097152
Setting this to a very low number may sometimes result in the following error.
ORA-6580: Hash Join ran out of memory while keeping large rows in memory.
This specifies how many sequential blocks a hash join reads and writes in one Input/Output activity. Oracle recommends not changing or assigning a value to this parameter; this will let oracle decide on the appropriate value for each individual query. In such casees, the value of the parameter will appear as 0 in the V$PARAMETER view.
This parameter is renamed to _HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: hash_multi_block_io_count = 0
This parameter is relevant for systems using bitmap indexes. It specifies the amount of memory Oracle uses to merge bitmaps retrieved from a range scan of a bitmap index. The default value is 1 MB, which is considered sufficient for most setups.
Oracle recommends use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
e.g.: bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576
This parameter specifies the join method for anti-joins, for example when a NOT IN operator is present in your query. It can be set to NESTED_LOOPS, MERGE or HASH. It is defaulted to NESTED_LOOPS in Oracle 8i and CHOOSE in Oracle 9i.
This parameter is renamed to _ALWAYS_ANTI_JOIN as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: always_anti_join = nested_loops
This parameter specifies the join method for semi-joins. These types of joins are carried out by Optimizer after transforming a query. In such joins, duplicate values from the inner table are removed and then the type of join specified in the parameter is used to perform a semi-join. It can be set to NESTED_LOOPS, MERGE or HASH. In Oracle 8i, it is defaulted to STANDARD and in Oracle 9i it is defaulted to CHOOSE, to pick up an appropriate join.
This parameter is renamed to _ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: always_semi_join = nested_loops
This specifies whether query transformation will be applied to star queries. It can be set to TRUE, FALSE or TEMP_DISABLE (transformation will take place but will not use temporary tables). I presently set it to FALSE due to some known issues of sub-optimal queries being generated. If you intend to use this, please upgrade your version to and above.
e.g.: star_transformation_enabled = false
This parameter refers to parallel executions in cluster databases. It is meant for improving hash and sort-merge join operations where a very large result set is joined with a very small result set. When this option is enabled, the optimizer broadcasts a copy of all rows in the smaller result set to all cluster databases that are processing some rows of the larger result set.
It is obsolete in release 9.2.0.
e.g.: parallel_broadcast_enabled = false
This parameter is meant for backward compatibility to support partition views. Oracle recommends use of partition tables rather than partition views. If you are migrating to CBO, chances are that you may not be using partition views.
e.g.: partition_view_enabled = false
Introduced in Oracle 9i, this parameter specifies the aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes attached to an instance. This parameter can be set for automatic sizing of SQL working areas. It replaces other existing parameters like SORT_AREA_SIZE, BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE and HASH_AREA_SIZE.
It can be set to a value between 10 MB to 4000 GB, depending on the setup requirement. 1- Make a first estimate for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET based on the following rule:
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = (Total Physical Memory * 0.16) - For OLTP systems (16% of Server Physical Mem)
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = (Total Physical Memory * 0 .4 ) - For DSS systems (40% of Server Physical Mem)
Apart from generating statistics, the setup of the below mentioned parameters play a very crucial role in dictating how your system will work. Setting these will depend a lot on what kind of environment you want to create, Online, Batch processing, Data warehousing or a combination of more than one.
This will decide the mode in which the optimizer engine should run in. Valid values are RULE, CHOOSE, ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS (_n).
Optionally, the OPTIMIZER_MODE can be set to CHOOSE. This is kind of an intermediate option between RBO and CBO. In fact, it tries to run the query in either CBO or RBO depending on the availability or unavailability of statistics. Therefore, if the tables present in the query have statistics generated on them, CBO (ALL_ROWS only) is preferred or RBO is taken up.
e.g.: optimizer_mode = first_rowsFor an OLTP system, FIRST_ROWS would be the ideal option for fast response time. ALL_ROWS is meant for batch-oriented applications. Note, a plan that produces the first n rows with the fastest response time might not be an optimal plan if requirement is to obtain the entire result, so decide as per the need of the application
2) OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJOptimizer_Index_Cost_Ad takes a value between 1 and 10000 (default 100). Setting this value makes the index more or less friendly to the optimizer. For example setting it to 50 tells the optimizer that an execution plan that uses index(es) is half as expensive as other execution plans that are not using them. The lower the value (less than 100), the less full table scan executions will take place in the system.
Use of indexes in OLTP is a crucial factor for deciding the response time, but sometimes, full table scans provide better throughput. Nested loop joins are influenced by this parameter value. Set this parameter to a value that is optimal for your application. I recommend set this parameter between 10 - 20 for OLTP and 50 for DSS Systems..
If you are having slow performance because the CBO first_rows optimizer mode is favoring too many full-table scans, you can reset the optimizer_index_cost_adj parameter to immediately tune all of the SQL in your database to favor index scans over full-table scans. This is a "silver bullet" that can improve the performance of an entire database in cases where the database is OTLP and you have verified that the full-table scan costing is too low.
3) OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHINGUse of indexes in OLTP is a crucial factor for deciding the response time, but sometimes, full table scans provide better throughput. Nested loop joins are influenced by this parameter value. Set this parameter to a value that is optimal for your application. I recommend set this parameter between 10 - 20 for OLTP and 50 for DSS Systems..
If you are having slow performance because the CBO first_rows optimizer mode is favoring too many full-table scans, you can reset the optimizer_index_cost_adj parameter to immediately tune all of the SQL in your database to favor index scans over full-table scans. This is a "silver bullet" that can improve the performance of an entire database in cases where the database is OTLP and you have verified that the full-table scan costing is too low.
This tells optimizer to favor nested loops and IN-list iterators over sort-merge and hash joins. The default value is 100 and makes nested loops and IN-list operator look less expensive and more appealing to Optimizer. The value basically indicates the percentage of index blocks that the optimizer should assume are present in cache. I recommend set this parameter to 85.
This parameter determines the number of database blocks read in one input/output operation during a full table scan. The value set is used in computing the cost of full table scans. OLTP systems will not benefit by setting a high value for this parameter as the computed cost for full table scan execution plans would reduced. The maximum size is Operating system dependent.
e.g.: db_file_multiblock_read_count = 1 (may be set to a higher value)
This parameter defines the maximum memory space allocated per user process that requires sorting of data and for insert and updates to bitmap indexes. Optimizer uses the set value for determining the cost of sorting in a query. This defaults to 64K. Normally a size of 64K to 1M is appropriate for OLTP systems.
Sort-merge joins are influenced by this parameter value. The bigger the size the more appealing will be sort-merge joins over nested-loop and hash joins. The lower the size the more sorting will take place in temporary segments. So assign a value that has been evaluated for your setup.
Oracle recommends the use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
This specifies the number of database blocks to be read each time a sort performs a read from a temporary segment. The default value is 2. General recommendation is to keep the default value. However, if you intend to hike up the SORT_AREA_SIZE considerably, you may evaluate the improvement by changing this parameter.
e.g.: sort_multiblock_read_count = 2
Hash joins are available only in CBO. In hash joins, a hash table is created on the join key of the smallest sized table. It then joins the other tables to find the match. Hash joins may prove to be faster than other type of joins in some conditions, especially when the index is missing or search criteria is not very selective. Hash joins require a large amount of memory as the hash tables are retained; this may sometimes result in memory swapping.
Nested-loop joins return the first row faster than sort-merge and hash joins and are preferred for OLTP, but other types of joins cannot be ignored for running other aspects of the applications.
e.g.: hash_join_enabled = true
This specifies the maximum amount of memory in bytes to be used for a hash join per process. It is defaulted to 2 times SORT_AREA_SIZE.
Oracle recommends the use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
e.g.: hash_area_size = 2097152
Setting this to a very low number may sometimes result in the following error.
ORA-6580: Hash Join ran out of memory while keeping large rows in memory.
This specifies how many sequential blocks a hash join reads and writes in one Input/Output activity. Oracle recommends not changing or assigning a value to this parameter; this will let oracle decide on the appropriate value for each individual query. In such casees, the value of the parameter will appear as 0 in the V$PARAMETER view.
This parameter is renamed to _HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: hash_multi_block_io_count = 0
This parameter is relevant for systems using bitmap indexes. It specifies the amount of memory Oracle uses to merge bitmaps retrieved from a range scan of a bitmap index. The default value is 1 MB, which is considered sufficient for most setups.
Oracle recommends use of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instead of this parameter from Oracle 9i.
e.g.: bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576
This parameter is relevant for systems using Materialized views, Function based indexes and stored outlines. Setting this parameter enables query rewrite for the database. The materialized views should also be query rewrite enabled to allow the optimizer to redirect a query to it rather than the actual tables listed in the FROM clause. Query rewriting is internally done by the optimizer based on what results are expected and whether these are already present in materialized view form.
e.g.: query_rewrite_enabled = true
This parameter is relevant for systems using Materialized views, Function based indexes and stored outlines. Setting this parameter enables query rewrite for the database. The materialized views should also be query rewrite enabled to allow the optimizer to redirect a query to it rather than the actual tables listed in the FROM clause. Query rewriting is internally done by the optimizer based on what results are expected and whether these are already present in materialized view form.
e.g.: query_rewrite_enabled = true
This parameter determines the extent to which the optimizer must enforce query rewriting to Materialized views. This determines the accuracy of the query rewrite. It can be set to ENFORCED, TRUSTED or STALE_TOLERATED. ENFORCED option uses Materialized views if they contain fresh data, thus guarantying the integrity and consistency of data. TRUSTED uses relationships that have been defined in the system for rewriting the query. STALE_TOLERATED allows the use of relationships that are not enforced and may use stale data. For OLTP systems, ENFORCED would be the ideal setup, as reports need to be up-to-date.
e.g.: query_rewrite_integrity = enforced
13) ALWAYS_ANTI_JOINThis parameter determines the extent to which the optimizer must enforce query rewriting to Materialized views. This determines the accuracy of the query rewrite. It can be set to ENFORCED, TRUSTED or STALE_TOLERATED. ENFORCED option uses Materialized views if they contain fresh data, thus guarantying the integrity and consistency of data. TRUSTED uses relationships that have been defined in the system for rewriting the query. STALE_TOLERATED allows the use of relationships that are not enforced and may use stale data. For OLTP systems, ENFORCED would be the ideal setup, as reports need to be up-to-date.
e.g.: query_rewrite_integrity = enforced
This parameter specifies the join method for anti-joins, for example when a NOT IN operator is present in your query. It can be set to NESTED_LOOPS, MERGE or HASH. It is defaulted to NESTED_LOOPS in Oracle 8i and CHOOSE in Oracle 9i.
This parameter is renamed to _ALWAYS_ANTI_JOIN as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: always_anti_join = nested_loops
This parameter specifies the join method for semi-joins. These types of joins are carried out by Optimizer after transforming a query. In such joins, duplicate values from the inner table are removed and then the type of join specified in the parameter is used to perform a semi-join. It can be set to NESTED_LOOPS, MERGE or HASH. In Oracle 8i, it is defaulted to STANDARD and in Oracle 9i it is defaulted to CHOOSE, to pick up an appropriate join.
This parameter is renamed to _ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN as of Oracle 9i.
e.g.: always_semi_join = nested_loops
This specifies whether query transformation will be applied to star queries. It can be set to TRUE, FALSE or TEMP_DISABLE (transformation will take place but will not use temporary tables). I presently set it to FALSE due to some known issues of sub-optimal queries being generated. If you intend to use this, please upgrade your version to and above.
e.g.: star_transformation_enabled = false
This parameter refers to parallel executions in cluster databases. It is meant for improving hash and sort-merge join operations where a very large result set is joined with a very small result set. When this option is enabled, the optimizer broadcasts a copy of all rows in the smaller result set to all cluster databases that are processing some rows of the larger result set.
It is obsolete in release 9.2.0.
e.g.: parallel_broadcast_enabled = false
This parameter is introduced in release 9i. It is meant for situations where tables are not analyzed. As CBO depends heavily on statistics, the parameter tells the optimizer to sample the unanalyzed tables that are being used in a query. A level of 0 to 10 can be specified, the higher the value the more time optimizer spends in sampling.
e.g.: optimizer_dynamic_sampling = 1
18) PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLEDThis parameter is introduced in release 9i. It is meant for situations where tables are not analyzed. As CBO depends heavily on statistics, the parameter tells the optimizer to sample the unanalyzed tables that are being used in a query. A level of 0 to 10 can be specified, the higher the value the more time optimizer spends in sampling.
e.g.: optimizer_dynamic_sampling = 1
This parameter is meant for backward compatibility to support partition views. Oracle recommends use of partition tables rather than partition views. If you are migrating to CBO, chances are that you may not be using partition views.
e.g.: partition_view_enabled = false
This parameter determines what kind of SQL statements can share the same cursor. It can be set to FORCE, SIMILAR or EXACT. FORCE will try to squeeze statements that may differ in some literals to share the same cursor. SIMILAR is somewhat the same but will try to maintain the plan optimization for identical statements. EXACT allows statements with exact identical text to share a cursor.
Using FORCE may sometimes result in unexpected results.
e.g.: cursor_sharing = exact
20) PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGETThis parameter determines what kind of SQL statements can share the same cursor. It can be set to FORCE, SIMILAR or EXACT. FORCE will try to squeeze statements that may differ in some literals to share the same cursor. SIMILAR is somewhat the same but will try to maintain the plan optimization for identical statements. EXACT allows statements with exact identical text to share a cursor.
Using FORCE may sometimes result in unexpected results.
e.g.: cursor_sharing = exact
Introduced in Oracle 9i, this parameter specifies the aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes attached to an instance. This parameter can be set for automatic sizing of SQL working areas. It replaces other existing parameters like SORT_AREA_SIZE, BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE and HASH_AREA_SIZE.
It can be set to a value between 10 MB to 4000 GB, depending on the setup requirement. 1- Make a first estimate for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET based on the following rule:
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = (Total Physical Memory * 0.16) - For OLTP systems (16% of Server Physical Mem)
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = (Total Physical Memory * 0 .4 ) - For DSS systems (40% of Server Physical Mem)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
DBA Daily Activity
The following activities are monitored on a Database :
Task/Machine | Schedule | Description |
Connect to Database | Hourly | To monitor the availability of database server and Oracle listener. |
Check Alert Logs | Hourly | To check the alert log file periodically to identify any logs for errors / warnings. It will automatically send an SMS to the administrator. |
Check Tablespace Size | Hourly | To check the size of free tablespace and free space available. If the tablespace reaches the threshold limit, it will automatically send an SMS message to the administrator. |
Verify Rollback Segments | Shift | To check the status of the rollback segments. |
Verify if any resources locked | Shift | To identify any locked resources. |
Verify Archive Logs | Daily | To check if the archive logs are created properly in the current directory and if standby configuration is enabled, check whether the archive logs are backed, transferred and applied properly. |
Hit Ratio | Daily | To check the overall buffer cache hit ratio for the entire instance since it was started. If the ratio reaches the threshold limit, it will automatically send an SMS message to the administrator. |
Check Listener Log File Size | Daily | To check the size of listener log files on each database instance. If the listener log file size reaches the threshold limit, notification will be sent to the administrator. |
Size of Extents | Daily | To check the segments of each table space, number of extents, initial size of extent, next extent size, minimum extents, maximum extent and status. |
Check Disk Space | Daily | To check the disk space availability for data files, log files and temp space. If the available size reaches the threshold limit, it will automatically send an SMS message to the administrator. |
Check CPU Usage | Daily | Monitors the CPU performance and its usage. |
Check Memory Usage | Daily | Monitors the memory usage, memory page faults, etc. |
Check System Log Files | Daily | To check the Event Viewersystem log files. To see and watch for any OS related warnings or errors. |
Check for Invalid Objects | Weekly | To identify invalid objects in the database. |
Check for Chained Rows | Weekly | To identify chained rows and manag |
· Oracle Database shall be monitored using The Capacity Planner and Performance Manager applications, This includes special Performance Manager diagnostics such as Performance Overview, TopSessions, TopSQL and Lock Monitor .
· Administrators will be able to investigate an event directly from the console’s event viewer through direct access to Performance Manager charts, diagnostic help and historical data related to metrics being monitored by the event.
· This provides a logical step-by-step methodology for discovering and investigating performance problems.
· In addition, events and Performance Manager charts can share common metric thresholds, allowing consistent performance thresholds to be used by administrators whether monitoring in lights-out mode or real time. With 9i, events can also be registered directly from Performance Manager charts.
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