Q. What is Catalog database and How to Configure it ?
A. This is a separate database which contains catalog schema. You can use the same target database as the catalog database but its not at all recommended.
Q. How Many catalog database I can have ?
A. You can have multiple catalog database for the same target database . But at a time you can connect to only 1 catalog database via RMAN. Its not recommended to have multiple catalog database.
Q. Is this mandatory to use catalog database ?
A. No ! its a optional one.
Q. What is the advantage of catalog database ?
A. Catalog database is a secondary storage of backup metadata. Its very useful in case you lost the current controlfile, as all the backup information are there in the catalog schema. Secondly from contolfile the older backup information are aged out depending upon the control_file_record_keep_time. RMAN catalog database mainten the history of data.
Q. What is the difference between catalog database & catalog schema ?
A. Catalog database is like any other database which contains the RMAN catalog user’s schema.
Q. What happen if catalog database lost ?
A. Since catalog database is a option one there is no direct effect of loss of catalog database. Create a new catalog database and register the target database with the newly createdcatalog one. All the backup information from the target database current controlfile will be updated to the catalog schema. If any backup information which is aged out from the target database then you need to manually catalog those backup pieces.
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