Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Save Oracle Database license costs

First, understand how Oracle is now licensed.
Oracle has switched pricing the database from total number of sockets to total number of CORES or CPUs.
This switch has a hidden cost many do not see when upgrading hardware because the newer intel® processors have more cores on them. Therefore, updating system with just newer intel® chips can cause license cost of Oracle to skyrocket. 
Do you really need to spend 10 times more on database license costs? Is your performance going to go up 10 times?
At Tuning Ace we like to offer you the possibility of not having to spend extra on database license costs. We like to offer the possibility that your current hardware is sufficiently sized today and to run your applications. We like to help you see that tuning your existing system can be the solution today with out new hardware. We also offer today the Tuning Ace Tuning Suite®, a product that is designed to identify solutions to performance today.

How to Increase Website Revenue without more hardware.
Let's face it, website revenue is based on how quickly orders can be pushed through your systems. Throwing hardware at the system will not increase the response time users see.
- What is your response time? ( THis should be under 3 seconds )
- How many orders per minute can your process?
- Does the fulfillment process slow down the website?
- Do you want your ATG website to run faster?

From the users point of view:

- How long does it take to add an item to the shopping cart? Does the time vary over the day?
- How long does does it take to check out?

Will your systems handle the load on black friday or cyber monday?

Do you think adding nodes or adding CPUs to the system will improve user experience? The
We know, if your site is taking over 3 seconds to respond to the user, you are loosing customers and revenue.
We know, Switching from a single node database to an RAC environment can actually slow user response time.
We also know, Adding nodes in an RAC environment can actually slow user response time and lower your revenue.
Any change to your application or system that slows the time it take a user to add an item to the shopping cart lowers your revenue.

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